Urakawa Town, located in the southern part of Hidaka, Hokkaido, is a natural rich town surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, which brings seasonal sea blessings, and...
Goryokaku is the site of the Hakokan War, the last battle of the Boshin War. Goryokaku was open to the general public as a park in 1914, and it was recognized a...
Golden week that cherry blossoms front came to Hokkaido. I went to Matsumae Park, which has been selected as one of the top 100 cherry blossom spots in Japan. T...
At Ashikaga Flower Park in Ashikaga City, Tochigi Prefecture, "Fujinohana story ~ Big Wisteria Festival 2018" was held from April 14 (Sat) to May 20 (Sun), 2018...
Since "Kasama no HImatsuri, Pottery Festival" started in 1982, its history is shallow compared to 1966 in "Mashiko Pottery Fair". Instead of large-scale events ...
Mashiko Pottery Fair was held from Saturday, April 28 to Sunday, May 6 2018. Mashiko town, where shops are located along a main street within easy walking dista...
Heart that architect, Mr. Kengo Kuma put "Warm, easy shopping street" Only a month after the desperate earthquake disaster, Minamisanriku Town turned to the fro...