"Tohoku Kizuna Matsuri", with the wish of reconstruction and comforting from the Great East Japan Earthquake

The “Tohoku Kizuna Festival,” where summer festivals from the six Tohoku prefectures meet in one place, was held in Morioka city, Iwate Prefecture, for restoration from the Great East Japan Earthquake and for comforting the souls of those who lost their lives in the disaster. It is the eighth to count from the previous **Tohoku Rokkonsai (Six Festivals) event**, which was held in Tohoku 6 cities in order from 2011 to 16 years.

A total of 1,900 people, including Morioka Dashi and Morioka Mikoshi, appeared in the parade at Chuo-street in the same city, and developed a large group dance. At the announcement of the organizers, about 303,000 people attended on both days.

At the departure ceremony of the summer festival parade representing Tohoku 6 prefecture, actor Hiroaki Murakami from Rikuzentakata City said, **Our bonds that were born from that day are still taken over and nurtured. It will be a wonderful hometown. "** Character hall boy and girl choir sang **flower blooms** with determination of reconstruction.

The parade is 2.4 km round trip, led by the luxuriously decorated Dashi, followed by the Yamagata Hanawa Festival, Fukushima Waraji Festival, Sendai Tanabata Festival, Morioka Sansa Dance, Aomori Nebuta Festival. The Akita Kanto Festival performed at four locations.

Applause to the gathering of summer festivals in Tohoku 6 prefecture!

Along with the buzzing voice of **Yassho, Macassho** and the brave tone of the Flower drum, a group dance of Yamagata Hanagasa Ondo with lyre costumes and safflowers was unfolded.

From Fukushima, large Waraji (Straw sandal) has appeared. About 60 people carried the large Waraji (Straw sandal) with a total length of about 12 meters along with the cheers of dazzling ** Washshoi, Wasshoi! ** and appealed for the revival of this prefecture with a powerful walk.

Sendai's **Suzume Odori** will be followed, which has a good-looking tempo and an energetic movement. Fans are regarded as the wings of a sparrow, and the dancers dance beautifully to the sound of drums and Moth.

About 450 people from **Sansa Dance**also participated from the venue Morioka. The call from **Sakkolla, Choi Wyasse** (good luck coming) echoed the streets of early summer.

At the Aomori Nebuta Festival, a float based on Kashima Daimyojin, which defeats the large catfish that is said to cause a large earthquake, appeared and prayed that the earthquake would not occur. When the dancers dressed in uniforms jumped up with a loud call **Lasselaar** the venue was excited.

At the **Akita Kanto Matsuri**, the applause was sent from the visitors to the performers who handle the various techniques of transferring 12 meters high and 50 kg weight Kanto to the forehead, shoulders and hips. When it was beaten by a strong wind, cheers near the screams occurred.

Tohoku's hot summer start!

This year, from Ipponzakura in Fukushima to Hanaikada (Flower carpet) in Hirosaki, I had the opportunity to visit Tohoku cherry blossom steets and disaster areas. Local efforts are various forms full of individuality according to the present conditions and a policy, but the part in the root is an overwhelming soul for Tohoku revival. I strongly felt the soul of Tohoku becoming one after March 2011.

At Tohoku Tohoku Festival, the souls of each prefecture became one, and the special atmosphere of volunteers who wanted to participate from the whole country and from overseas also filled up Morioka. The soul will be brought back to each prefecture in Tohoku, and local festivals will be held in August. The hot summer of Tohoku has started this year as well.

Tohoku Kizuna Festival 2019 Fukushima
Dates: June 1~2, 2019
Festival Times: Saturday June 1, 2019 10:00 am ~ 6:00 pm (Note: Some sub-venues will finish at 5:00 pm). Sunday June 2, 2019 10:00 am ~ 5:00 pm.
Parade Times: Saturday June 1, 2:30 pm ~ 5:00 pm. Sunday June 2, 12:30 pm ~ 3:00 pm. Note: There will be an opening ceremony at the start of each parade.
Venues: Fukushima City
– Parade Route: Route 4 (Asahicho Intersection > Chugencho Intersetion > Fukushima Bunka-gakuen, ~1.1km)
– Route Map (Official Japanese Site)
– Main Venue: Fukushima City Hall Western Car Park
– Sub-Venues: JRA Fukushima Racecourse, Fukushima Fuzoku Primary School, Fukushima Daini Primary School, Shinhama Park. e