The birthplace of Japan, "Asunaka village", which is a land related to "Manyoshu

I visited Asuka village in Nara prefecture on a sunny spring day.Asukamura is known as the birthplace of Kamatari Fujiwara, who performed "Taika reforms" with Nakanoeooji, and is famous for "Ishibutai ancient tomb" which is regarded as the tomb of Umako Sogano.

Asuka village is a place where there was a capital of Japan for about 100 years from "Asuka period" 593 to 694.
In addition, it is also a place related to Japan's oldest Wakashu "Manyoshu", which has become a hot topic with the announcement of the new era "Reiwa". The scenery of spring rape blossoms, cherry blossoms, autumn cluster amaryllis and terraced rice fields spreads, and you can feel the traditional Japanese landscape. lsdlocked0 List

The world of "Asuka village" like a picture book

We rented an electric bicycle at a shop in Asuka Station, and while feeling the spring breeze, I cycled in Asuka village. When I leave the station and go straight across the national road, the road along the Hikuma river is already lined with cherry trees.
At the field near the Takamatsuzuka Tomb, cherry trees appear in a gently curving road, and you can enjoy the idyllic scenery like the scenery of a village in a picture book.

Along the Asuka River, there is also a promenade of cherry trees, and you can enjoy comfortable cycling. I even saw families here who got off the bike, sat and enjoy the scenery slowly.

“Oka-dera temple" where you can enjoy the flowers of the four seasons

"Along the way, I climbed the slope and visited "Oka-dera temple" called "Flower temple". The official temple name of "Oka-dera temple" is "Ryugaiji-temple". Located on a small hill overlooking the land of Asuka, you can enjoy seasonal flowers in the rough grounds.

This time, I was greeted by the cherry blossoms and camellia flowers in the grounds. From now on, rhododendron, peony, shaga, and Yamabuki will be in full bloom, and it will bring out the glamorousness appropriate to be called "the temple of flowers".

Japan's oldest Buddha statue "Asuka Daibutsu"

When I got off the slope and ran through the village of Asuka, where the quiet rural scenery spreads, I arrived at Asuka Temple where there is Japan's oldest Buddha "Asuka Daibutsu". When I visited, it was the day (Apr. 8) when "Flower ceremony" was held. "Flower ceremony" is a ceremony to celebrate the birth of Buddha, and this "Flower ceremony" was first performed in Asuka-dera temple in Japan.

Asuka-dera temple is the first full-fledged Buddhist temple in Japan created in 596, in the era of Emperor Suiko, by local rulers Umako Sogano. Asuka Daibutsu is the oldest Buddha statue in Japan, built in 609 by the famous Buddhist priest Kuratsukurinotori. About 3 m in height, it is said that it was built using 15 t of copper and 30 kg of golden at that time. The large fires of the Heian and Kamakura periods affected the whole body and received repair, but the feature of Asuka sculptural features is seen in the almond-shaped eyes with a face length. For about 1400 years, I feel the peace of mind in a gentle figure that has been watching the transition of the times in the same place.

The door on the front of the main hall, which is usually closed, was opened on the day, and I was able to worship Asuka Daibutsu from the outside. By the tradition that the rain of honeydew fell upon the birth of the Buddha, sweet tea was added to the birth Buddha in front of the main hall.

A huge rock "Ishibutai ancient tomb" of 2,300 tons wrapped in cherry blossoms

The last place I visited was "Ishibutai ancient tomb" representing Asuka. It is an ancient tomb with one of Japan's largest cross-hole type stone chambers and is designated as a national special historical site. A square tumulus that boasts of Japan's largest size, made of 30 or so huge rocks. The total weight is about 2,300 tons, and considering that it was made long ago from now, it would be a tremendous civil engineering work.

In Ishibutai ancient tomb, it was possible to enter the room that houses the fort, through the passage connecting to the outside. A lot of cherry blossoms bloom like an old burial mound. I walked around the moat around the tomb, and I could see the tomb from various angles.

It was surrounded by the petals of cherry blossoms, and the surroundings were maintained as the "Asuka History Park", and it was a peaceful world, such as sunbathing, taking a walk with a dog, and families.

Ishibutai ancient tomb is a rape blossom just in front and a cherry blossom in the back, with a beautiful yellow and pink contrast.

Invitation to the fantastic world "Ishibutai ancient tomb" illuminated by Light production

During the night cherry blossoms light-up period of Ishibutai ancient tomb, the invitation of the fantastic world "Umbrella flower" is wrapped in a gentle light with the night cherry blossoms. Against the backdrop of the night cherry blossoms, The illuminated Ishibutai ancient tomb looks as if it were quietly following an ancient sleep, as if inviting a viewer to the Asuka period.

Asuka village has many places named in Japan's oldest songbook, Manyoshu, and is considered to be the most frequent place in the many land area. I visited Asuka Village, which is called the Manyo hometown, which maintains abundant nature even now, and I felt a lot of happiness because I was able to experience the culture and landscapes that were trapped in the Manyoshu. The end of the Heisei is coming, and the era of the new era "Reiwa" is approaching.